Alternative energy investment fund
FGRE is structured as a Fund registered in Luxembourg and is structured as a partnership governed by a Limited Partnership Agreement. This has been established and registered as a special limited partnership (Société en commandite spéciale – S.C.Sp.) in Luxembourg pursuant to the 1915 Law. The Partnership is an alternative investment fund (AIF) within the meaning of the AIFM Law. The denomination of the partnership is First Global Alternative Energy Fund S.C.Sp.
Whilst structured as permanent capital, the objective of the Fund is to recycle and add capital over a 5-7 year time frame. This will provide rigour and investment discipline. The General Partner of the Fund is FIRST GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SARL based in Luxembourg.
Advisory Services
FGRE’s primary objective is to return an attractive return to its Sponsor through investments in renewable energy projects in un-listed and private companies through the Fund.
Given FGRE’s presence and team in U.K., FGRE, over a period of time, will focus on providing additional returns to its sponsors to third parties through a combination of:
- Structuring and investment banking services fees
- Project management and portfolio monitoring income
- Consulting fees on assignments for origination and strategy for new clients to get exposure to renewables industry
Further, FGRE also envisages to broaden its activities and expand to allied sectors and industries within the infrastructure and real estate sectors as well as tech-related/services related sectors